Accuracy and Fairness
Ensure all news is accurate, well-researched, and verified.
Avoid sensationalism and misrepresentation of facts.
Provide corrections promptly if errors occur.
Uphold neutrality and avoid biased reporting.
Present all sides of a story fairly and without discrimination.
Integrity and Accountability
Maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
Acknowledge accountability for published content.
Respect for Privacy
Respect individuals’ privacy rights.
Avoid publishing content that intrudes into private lives unless there is a significant public interest.
Protection of Sources
Ensure the confidentiality of sources unless legally required to disclose them.
Verify the credibility of sources before using their information.
Respect for Diversity
Avoid content that promotes hatred, discrimination, or violence.
Celebrate cultural, social, and political diversity.
Children and Vulnerable Individuals
Exercise caution in reporting about children and vulnerable groups.
Avoid content that could harm their well-being or dignity.
Disclose conflicts of interest, if any, in published content.
Clearly distinguish between news, opinion, and advertising.
Public Interest
Prioritize public interest and social welfare in all reporting.
Avoid content that spreads misinformation, fear, or unwarranted panic.
Adherence to Legal and Ethical Standards
Comply with the laws and regulations of the Government of India.
Abide by the ethical standards of journalism recognized nationally and globally.
This Code of Ethics serves as a guiding framework for ensuring credibility, professionalism, and public trust in all activities of Malwa News.